Managed Synonyms

A Managed Synonyms query can be used for CRUD operations against Solr's managed resources REST API endpoint. For more info see

The default operation of a query is reading a synonym list or a single synonym mapping in a list. Other operations require an explicit command be set on the query.

Changes are not applied to the active Solr components until the core or collection is reloaded.



use Solarium\QueryType\ManagedResources\Query\Synonyms\Synonyms;


// create a client instance
$client = new Solarium\Client($adapter, $eventDispatcher, $config);

echo '<h1>Commands that operate on a synonym list</h1>';

echo '<h2>Get list</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// execute the query and return the result
$result = $client->execute($query);

// display list properties
echo '<b>Case sensitive:</b> ' . ($result->isIgnoreCase() ? 'no' : 'yes') . '<br/>';
echo '<b>Format:</b> ' . $result->getFormat() . '<br/>';
echo '<b>Initialized on:</b> ' . $result->getInitializedOn() . '<br/>';
echo '<b>Updated since init:</b> ' . $result->getUpdatedSinceInit() . '<br/><br/>';

// display synonyms
echo '<b>Number of synonym mappings:</b> ' . count($result) . '<br/>';
echo '<b>Synonym mappings:</b><br/>';
echo '<table>';

foreach ($result as $synonym) {
    echo '<tr><th>' . $synonym->getTerm() . '</th><td>' . implode(', ', $synonym->getSynonyms()) . '</td></tr>';

echo '</table>';

echo '<h2>Check list existence</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// create an "exists" command and set it on the query
$existsCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_EXISTS);

foreach (['english', 'dutch'] as $name) {
    // set the name of the synonym list

    // execute the query and return the result
    $result = $client->execute($query);

    // display the result
    echo '<b>' . $name . ':</b> ' . ($result->getWasSuccessful() ? 'exists' : 'doesn\'t exist') . '<br/>';

echo '<h2>Create list</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// create a "create" command and set it on the query
$createCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_CREATE);

// execute the query and return the result
$result = $client->execute($query);

// display the result
if ($result->getWasSuccessful()) {
    echo 'Synonym list was created.';

echo '<h2>Configure list</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// create initialization arguments and set case sensitivity and format
$initArgs = $query->createInitArgs();

// create a "config" command, set init args on the command and set the command on the query
$configCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_CONFIG);

// execute the query and return the result
$result = $client->execute($query);

// display the result
if ($result->getWasSuccessful()) {
    echo 'Synonym list configuration updated.';

echo '<h2>Remove list</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// create a "remove" command and set it on the query
$removeCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_REMOVE);

// execute the query and return the result
$result = $client->execute($query);

// display the result
if ($result->getWasSuccessful()) {
    echo 'Synonym list was removed.';

echo '<hr/><h1>Commands that operate on synonym mappings in a list</h1>';

echo '<h2>Get synonym mapping</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// set the term, case doesn't matter on this list

// execute the query and return the result
$result = $client->execute($query);

// display synonym, there will be only one
foreach ($result as $synonym) {
    echo '<b>' . $synonym->getTerm() . '</b>: ' . implode(', ', $synonym->getSynonyms());

echo '<h2>Check synonym mapping existence</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// create an "exists" command
$existsCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_EXISTS);

foreach (['tv', 'radio'] as $term) {
    // set the term on the command, and set the command on the query

    // execute the query and return the result
    $result = $client->execute($query);

    // display the result
    echo '<b>' . $term . ':</b> ' . ($result->getWasSuccessful() ? 'exists' : 'doesn\'t exist') . '<br/>';

echo '<h2>Add single synonym mapping</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// create a synonym mapping
$synonyms = new Synonyms();
$synonyms->setSynonyms(['angry', 'upset']);

// create an "add" command, set synonym mapping on the command, and set the command on the query
$addCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_ADD);

// execute the query and return the result
$result = $client->execute($query);

// display the result
if ($result->getWasSuccessful()) {
    echo 'Synonym mapping was added.';

echo '<h2>Delete single synonym mapping</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// create a "delete" command, set the term on the command, and set the command on the query
$deleteCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_DELETE);

// execute the query and return the result
$result = $client->execute($query);

// display the result
if ($result->getWasSuccessful()) {
    echo 'Synonym mapping was deleted.<br/>';

echo '<h2>Add symmetric synonyms</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// create a synonym mapping but don't set an explicit term, synonyms will be expanded into a mapping for each listed term
$synonyms = new Synonyms();
$synonyms->setSynonyms(['funny', 'entertaining', 'whimiscal', 'jocular']);

// create an "add" command, set synonym mapping on the command, and set the command on the query
$addCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_ADD);

// execute the query and return the result
$result = $client->execute($query);

// display the result
if ($result->getWasSuccessful()) {
    echo 'Synonym mappings were added.';

echo '<h2>Delete expanded synonym mappings</h2>';

// create a managed synonyms query
$query = $client->createManagedSynonyms();

// set the name of the synonym list

// create a "delete" command
$deleteCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_DELETE);

// unlike adding, deleting has to be done term per term
foreach (['funny', 'entertaining', 'whimiscal', 'jocular'] as $term) {
    // set the term on the command, and set the command on the query

    // execute the query and return the result
    $result = $client->execute($query);

    // display the result
    if ($result->getWasSuccessful()) {
        echo 'Synonym mapping was deleted.<br/>';

echo '<hr/><h1>Apply changes</h1>';

// create a core admin query
$query = $client->createCoreAdmin();

// create a "reload" action
$reloadAction = $query->createReload();

// set the core on the action, and set the action on the query

// execute the query and return the result
$result = $client->coreAdmin($query);

// display the result
if ($result->getWasSuccessful()) {
    echo 'Core was reloaded.<br/>';


A note on HEAD requests

The "exists" command executes GET requests by default because multiple Solr versions have bugs in the handling of HEAD requests. You can choose to execute HEAD requests instead if you know that your Solr version isn't affected by SOLR-15116 or SOLR-16274.

$existsCommand = $query->createCommand($query::COMMAND_EXISTS, ['useHeadRequest' => true]);