The term vector component returns additional information about documents matching your search. For more info see


Name Type Default value Description
docids string null Lucene document IDs to return term vectors for. Separate multiple IDs with commas.
fields string null Fields to return term vectors for. Separate multiple fields with commas. If not specified, the fl parameter is used.
all bool null Enable all boolean parameters.
documentfrequency bool null Return document frequency (DF) of the term in the collection. This can be computationally expensive.
offsets bool null Return offset information for each term in the document.
positions bool null Return position information.
payloads bool null Return payload information.
termfrequency bool null Return document term frequency (TF) for each term in the document.
termfreqinversedocfreq bool null Calculate TF / DF (i.e., TF * IDF) for each term. Requires both documentfrequency and termfrequency set to true.




// create a client instance
$client = new Solarium\Client($adapter, $eventDispatcher, $config);

// get a select query instance
$query = $client->createSelect();
$query->setQuery($query->getHelper()->rangeQuery('includes', null, null));

// set a handler that is configured with a term vector component in solrconfig.xml (or add it to your default handler)

// get term vector component
$termVectorComponent = $query->getTermVector();
// return term vectors for this field
// enable all boolean parameters (some of these can be computationally expensive!)

// this executes the query and returns the result
$resultset = $client->select($query);

$termVector = $resultset->getTermVector();
foreach ($termVector as $key => $document) {

    echo '<h1>'.$key.'</h1>';

    foreach ($document as $fieldName => $field) {

        echo '<h2>'.$fieldName.'</h2>';

        foreach ($field as $term => $termInfo) {

            echo '<hr/><h3>'.$term.'</h3><table>';

            echo '<tr><th>Term frequency</th><td>' . $termInfo['tf'] ?? '' . '</td></tr>';
            echo '<tr><th>Document frequency</th><td>' . $termInfo['df'] ?? '' . '</td></tr>';
            echo '<tr><th>TF * IDF</th><td>' . $termInfo['tf-idf'] ?? '' . '</td></tr>';

            echo '<tr><th>Positions</th><td>';
            foreach ($termInfo['positions'] ?? [] as $position) {
                echo $position . '<br/>';
            echo '</td></tr>';

            echo '<tr><th>Offsets</th><td>';
            foreach ($termInfo['offsets'] ?? [] as $offset) {
                echo 'start: '.$offset['start'] . '<br/>';
                echo 'end: '.$offset['end'] . '<br/>';
            echo '</td></tr>';

            echo '<tr><th>Payloads</th><td>';
            foreach ($termInfo['payloads'] ?? [] as $payload) {
                echo $payload . '<br/>';
            echo '</td></tr>';

            echo '</table>';
