Result of a Luke query — Schema

$schema = $result->getSchema();

Schema information contains details about:

  • fields: $schema->getFields()
  • dynamic fields: $schema->getDynamicFields()
  • unique key field: $schema->getUniqueKeyField()
  • similarity: $schema->getSimilarity()
  • types: $schema->getTypes()

References to fields and types

Field information contains the name of the field type, and the names of source fields or destination fields if it's included in one or more copyField directives. Type information contains the names of the fields and the wildcard patterns of the dynamic fields that are defined with that type. These field and type names are returned as strings by Solr. Solarium augments them by turning them into references to the object that represents the field or type in the result, while maintaining the original representation if used in a string context.

The stringable approach is also followed for other properties of fields and types, including flag lists. This gives a concise way to answer questions about your schema.

Some examples

What is the type of the title field?

echo $schema->getField('title')->getType();
// text_gen_sort

This also works for dynamic fields and the unique key field (if present in your schema).

echo $schema->getDynamicField('*_i')->getType();
// pint
echo $schema->getUniqueKeyField()->getType();
// string

Which index analyzer is used by the text_gen_sort field type? And which tokenizer does it use?

echo $schema->getType('text_gen_sort')->getIndexAnalyzer();
// org.apache.solr.analysis.TokenizerChain
echo $schema->getType('text_gen_sort')->getIndexAnalyzer()->getTokenizer();
// org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerFactory

If you want to know the tokenizer for a field without needing to know the type, you can chain the methods together in a one-liner.

Which tokenizer is used by the index analyzer for the title field?

echo $schema->getField('title')->getType()->getIndexAnalyzer()->getTokenizer();
// org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizerFactory

You can get a list of the (dynamic) fields that have a certain type.

Which fields are of the type pint? Or: Which fields have the same type as the field popularity?

echo implode(', ', $schema->getType('pint')->getFields());
// popularity, *_is, *_i
echo implode(', ', $schema->getField('popularity')->getType()->getFields());
// popularity, *_is, *_i

In a similar way, copy sources and destinations can be iterated and method chained.

foreach ($schema->getField('author')->getCopyDests() as $destField) {
    echo $destField;
// author_s
// text

foreach ($schema->getField('author')->getCopyDests() as $destField) {
    echo $destField->getName(), ': ', $destField->getType();
// author_s: string
// text: text_general

Solr class names

Some properties of similarity and types return a string that represents a Solr class name. This is the fully-qualified class name (FQCN) from Java, prefixed with the package name that the class originated from. Solarium comes with a utility method that returns a compact display version of such a Java FQCN.


use Solarium\Support\Utility;

echo Utility::compactSolrClassName('org.apache.solr.schema.TextField');
// o.a.s.s.TextField

echo Utility::compactSolrClassName('$SchemaSimilarity');
// o.a.s.s.s.SchemaSimilarityFactory$SchemaSimilarity

Example usage


use Solarium\Support\Utility;


// create a client instance
$client = new Solarium\Client($adapter, $eventDispatcher, $config);

// create a Luke query
$lukeQuery = $client->createLuke();

$result = $client->luke($lukeQuery);

$index = $result->getIndex();
$schema = $result->getSchema();
$info = $result->getInfo();

echo '<h1>index</h1>';

echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><th>numDocs</th><td>' . $index->getNumDocs() . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>maxDoc</th><td>' . $index->getMaxDoc() . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>deletedDocs</th><td>' . $index->getDeletedDocs() . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>indexHeapUsageBytes</th><td>' . ($index->getIndexHeapUsageBytes() ?? '(not supported by this version of Solr)') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>version</th><td>' . $index->getVersion() . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>segmentCount</th><td>' . $index->getSegmentCount() . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>current</th><td>' . ($index->getCurrent() ? 'true' : 'false') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>hasDeletions</th><td>' . ($index->getHasDeletions() ? 'true' : 'false') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>directory</th><td>' . $index->getDirectory() . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>segmentsFile</th><td>' . $index->getSegmentsFile() . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>segmentsFileSizeInBytes</th><td>' . $index->getSegmentsFileSizeInBytes() . '</td></tr>';

$userData = $index->getUserData();
echo '<tr><th>userData</th><td>';
if (null !== $userData->getCommitCommandVer()) {
    echo 'commitCommandVer: ' . $userData->getCommitCommandVer() . '<br/>';
if (null !== $userData->getCommitTimeMSec()) {
    echo 'commitTimeMSec: ' . $userData->getCommitTimeMSec() . '<br/>';
echo '</td></tr>';

if (null !== $index->getLastModified()) {
    echo '<tr><th>lastModified</th><td>' . $index->getLastModified()->format(DATE_RFC3339_EXTENDED) . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';

echo '<hr/>';

echo '<h1>schema</h1>';

echo '<h2>fields</h2>';

echo '<table>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<th>name</th><th>type</th><th>flags</th>';
echo '<th>⚑<br/>indexed</th><th>⚑<br/>tokenized</th><th>⚑<br/>stored</th><th>⚑<br/>docValues</th>'; // just a few examples, there's a corresponding is*() method for each flag
echo '<th>required</th><th>default</th><th>uniqueKey</th><th>positionIncrementGap</th>';
echo '<th>copyDests</th><th>copySources</th>';
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($schema->getFields() as $field) {
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<th>' . $field->getName() . '</th><td>' . $field->getType() . '</td><td>' . $field->getFlags() . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . ($field->getFlags()->isIndexed() ? '⚐' : '') . '</td><td>' . ($field->getFlags()->isTokenized() ? '⚐' : '') . '</td><td>' . ($field->getFlags()->isStored() ? '⚐' : '') . '</td><td>' . ($field->getFlags()->isDocValues() ? '⚐' : '') . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . ($field->isRequired() ? '✓' : '') . '</td><td>' . $field->getDefault() . '</td><td>' . ($field->isUniqueKey() ? '✓' : '') . '</td><td>' . $field->getPositionIncrementGap() . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . implode(', ', $field->getCopyDests()) . '</td><td>' . implode(', ', $field->getCopySources()) . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';

echo '<h2>dynamicFields</h2>';

echo '<table>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<th>name</th><th>type</th><th>flags</th>';
echo '<th>⚑<br/>multiValued</th><th>⚑<br/>omitNorms</th><th>⚑<br/>sortMissingFirst</th><th>⚑<br/>sortMissingLast</th>'; // a few more examples of corresponding is*() methods for flags
echo '<th>positionIncrementGap</th>';
echo '<th>copyDests</th><th>copySources</th>';
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($schema->getDynamicFields() as $field) {
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<th>' . $field->getName() . '</th><td>' . $field->getType() . '</td><td>' . $field->getFlags() . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . ($field->getFlags()->isMultiValued() ? '⚐' : '') . '</td><td>' . ($field->getFlags()->isOmitNorms() ? '⚐' : '') . '</td><td>' . ($field->getFlags()->isSortMissingFirst() ? '⚐' : '') . '</td><td>' . ($field->getFlags()->isSortMissingLast() ? '⚐' : '') . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $field->getPositionIncrementGap() . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . implode(', ', $field->getCopyDests()) . '</td><td>' . implode(', ', $field->getCopySources()) . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';

echo '<h2>uniqueKeyField</h2>';

if (null !== $uniqueKeyField = $schema->getUniqueKeyField()) {
    echo $uniqueKeyField;
} else {
    echo 'No &lt;uniqueKey&gt; defined in schema.';

echo '<h2>similarity</h2>';

$similarity = $schema->getSimilarity();

echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><th>className</th><td>' . $similarity->getClassName() . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>details</th><td>' . $similarity->getDetails() . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';

echo '<h2>types</h2>';

echo '<table>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<th>name</th><th>fields</th><th>tokenized</th><th>className</th>';
echo '<th>indexAnalyzer</th><th>queryAnalyzer</th><th>similarity</th>';
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($schema->getTypes() as $type) {
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<th>' . $type->getName() . '</th><td>' . implode(', ', $type->getFields()) . '</td><td>' . ($type->isTokenized() ? '✓' : '') . '</td><td>' . Utility::compactSolrClassName($type->getClassName()) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . Utility::compactSolrClassName($type->getIndexAnalyzer()) . '</td><td>' . Utility::compactSolrClassName($type->getQueryAnalyzer()) . '</td><td>' . Utility::compactSolrClassName($type->getSimilarity()) . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';

echo '<hr/>';

echo '<h1>info</h1>';

echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><th>key</th><td>';
foreach ($info->getKey() as $abbreviation => $flag) {
    echo $abbreviation . ': ' . $flag . '<br/>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th>NOTE</th><td>' . $info->getNote() . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
