Luke query

Luke queries can be used to access information on the schema data.

Building a Luke query

Available options:

Name Type Default value Description
show string null The data about the index to include in the response. Use one of the SHOW_* class constants as value.
id string null Get a document using the uniqueKeyField specified in the schema.
docId int null Get a document using a Lucene documentID.
fields string null Fields to get details for. Separate multiple fields with commas. Use '*' to include all fields.
numTerms int null The number of top terms for each field.
includeIndexFieldFlags bool null Whether to return index flags for each field. Fetching index flags can slow down Luke requests.
documentclass string Solarium\QueryType\Select\Result\Document Classname for a document in the result. If you set a custom classname make sure the class is readily available (or through autoloading).

The show option determines which information will be queried from the Luke handler. The Luke query defines constants for the possible values.

  • $lukeQuery::SHOW_INDEX: high-level details about the index
  • $lukeQuery::SHOW_ALL: information about all fields
  • $lukeQuery::SHOW_SCHEMA: details about the schema
  • $lukeQuery::SHOW_DOC: details about a specific document

If the fields option is provided to get field details, or id or docId to get document details, show can be omitted.


Return the high-level details about the index.

There are no additional options for this show style.

This information is included in all Luke results and can be retrieved with $result->getIndex().

$lukeQuery = $client->createLuke();

$result = $client->luke($lukeQuery);

$index = $result->getIndex();

All fields

Return information about all fields.

includeIndexFieldFlags can be set to false to disable fetching and returning index flags.

This information can be retrieved with $result->getFields().

$lukeQuery = $client->createLuke();

// omitting index flags for each field can speed up Luke requests

$result = $client->luke($lukeQuery);

$fields = $result->getFields();

Field details

Return detailed information about specified fields. Use with caution especially on large indexes!

fields must be set to a field list or '*' to enable this. '*' fetches the details for all fields.

numTerms can be set to the number of top terms to return for each field.

includeIndexFieldFlags can be set to false to disable fetching and returning index flags.

This information can be retrieved with $result->getFields().

$lukeQuery = $client->createLuke();

// set the fields you want detailed information for

// you can also get detailed information for all fields

// omitting index flags for each field can speed up Luke requests

// set the number of top terms for each field (Solr's default is 10)

$result = $client->luke($lukeQuery);

$fields = $result->getFields();


Return details about the schema.

There are no additional options for this show style.

This information can be retrieved with $result->getSchema().

$lukeQuery = $client->createLuke();

$result = $client->luke($lukeQuery);

$schema = $result->getSchema();


Return details about a specific document. This includes the actual document from the index.

id can be set to an ID in the uniqueKeyField specified in the schema.

docId can be set to a Lucene documentID.

documentclass can be set to a custom classname for the actual document in the result.

This information can be retrieved with $result->getDoc().

$lukeQuery = $client->createLuke();

// get a document using the uniqueKeyField specified in the schema

// alternatively, you can use a Lucene documentID

$result = $client->luke($lukeQuery);

$docInfo = $result->getDoc();

Result of a Luke query

Example usage

A full example is available for each show style.

Property getters

A Luke result consists of an object or collection of objects with getters for every possible property in a response. The getters are named after the corresponding properties and follow the camelCase convention of the Solarium codebase.


  • versiongetVersion()
  • numDocsgetNumDocs()
  • NOTEgetNote()

Omittable properties

There are properties that will always be present in a response and properties that can be omitted. The getter for an omittable property will return null if it isn't present in the response.

Boolean properties

Some boolean properties will always be present in a response, while others may be omitted if they aren't true. Result objects have isser or hasser convenience methods — depending on what makes sense grammatically — for all boolean properties. They'll always offer a boolean answer to the question "is this …?" or "does this have …?"

If the distinction between an explicit false and an omitted property matters, you can use the getter. As for all omittable properties, it will return null instead.


  • currentisCurrent() & getCurrent()
  • hasDeletionshasDeletions() & getHasDeletions()

Flag lists

Fields have properties that are represented by Solr as a string containing a list of flags. A separate key of the flags is included in the info section of the response. Solarium augments each flag list by turning it into a Solarium\QueryType\Luke\Result\FlagList object. This object provides the original string representation, a traversable list of the flags that are set (incorporating the definition from the key), and issers for every flag.


echo $field->getFlags();
// I-S-UM----OF-----l

foreach ($field->getFlags() as $f => $flag) {
    echo $f, ': ', $flag;
// I: Indexed
// S: Stored
// U: UnInvertible
// M: Multivalued
// O: Omit Norms
// F: Omit Term Frequencies & Positions
// l: Sort Missing Last

$field->getFlags()->isIndexed(); // true
$field->getFlags()->isTokenized(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isStored(); // true
$field->getFlags()->isDocValues(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isUninvertible(); // true
$field->getFlags()->isMultiValued(); // true
$field->getFlags()->isTermVectors(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isTermOffsets(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isTermPositions(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isTermPayloads(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isOmitNorms(); // true
$field->getFlags()->isOmitTermFreqAndPositions(); // true
$field->getFlags()->isOmitPositions(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isStoreOffsetsWithPositions(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isLazy(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isBinary(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isSortMissingFirst(); // false
$field->getFlags()->isSortMissingLast(); // true

Generally helpful information

Some generally helpful information is available in the result for every show style that includes more than just the high-level index details. This information can be retrieved with $result->getInfo().

Example usage

A full Info example is available.