An extract query can be used to index files in Solr. For more info see

Building an extract query

See the example code below.

Available options:

Name Type Default value Description
handler string select Name of the Solr request handler to use, without leading or trailing slashes
resultclass string Solarium_Result_Select Classname for result. If you set a custom classname make sure the class is readily available (or through autoloading)
documentclass string Solarium_Document_ReadWrite Classname for documents in the resultset. If you set a custom classname make sure the class is readily available (or through autoloading)
omitheader boolean true Disable Solr headers (saves some overhead, as the values aren't actually used in most cases)

Executing an Extract query

First of all create an Extract query instance and set the options, a file and document. Use the extract method of the client to execute the query object.

See the example code below.

Result of an extract query

The result of an extract query is similar to an update query,




// create a client instance
$client = new Solarium\Client($adapter, $eventDispatcher, $config);

// get an extract query instance and add settings
$query = $client->createExtract();
$query->addFieldMapping('content', 'text');

// add document
$doc = $query->createDocument();
$doc->id = 'extract-test';
$doc->some = 'more fields';

// this executes the query and returns the result
$result = $client->extract($query);

echo '<b>Extract query executed</b><br/>';
echo 'Query status: ' . $result->getStatus(). '<br/>';
echo 'Query time: ' . $result->getQueryTime();
