This querytype accepts one or more values that can be analyzed for fieldtypes and/or fieldnames.

Building an analysis query

See the example code below.

Available options:

Name Type Default value Description
query string null Query to use for query-time analysis
showmatch boolean null
handler string analysis/field
resultclass string Solarium\QueryType\Analysis\Result\Field
fieldvalue string Value(s) to analyze
fieldname string Fieldname(s) to analyze for
fieldtype string Fieldtype(s) to analyze for

Executing an analysis fieldquery

Use the analyze method of the client to execute the query object. See the example code below.

Result of an analysis field query

The result contains a nested data model that is best explained by looking at the example code below.




// ...

// create a client instance
$client = new Solarium\Client($adapter, $eventDispatcher, $config);

// get an analysis document query
$query = $client->createAnalysisField();

$query->setFieldValue('Apple 60 GB iPod with Video Playback Black');

// this executes the query and returns the result
$results = $client->analyze($query);

// show the results
foreach ($results as $result) {

    echo '<hr><h2>Result list: ' . $result->getName() . '</h2>';

    foreach ($result as $item) {

        echo '<h3>Item: ' . $item->getName() . '</h3>';

        $indexAnalysis = $item->getIndexAnalysis();
        if (!empty($indexAnalysis)) {
            echo '<h4>Index Analysis</h4>';
            foreach ($indexAnalysis as $classes) {

                echo '<h5>'.$classes->getName().'</h5>';

                foreach ($classes as $result) {
                    echo 'Text: ' . $result->getText() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Raw text: ' . $result->getRawText() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Start: ' . $result->getStart() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'End: ' . $result->getEnd() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Position: ' . $result->getPosition() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Position history: ' . implode(', ', $result->getPositionHistory()) . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Type: ' . htmlspecialchars($result->getType()) . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Match: ' . var_export($result->getMatch(), true) . '<br/>';
                    echo '-----------<br/>';

        $queryAnalysis = $item->getQueryAnalysis();
        if (!empty($queryAnalysis)) {
            echo '<h4>Query Analysis</h4>';
            foreach ($queryAnalysis as $classes) {

                echo '<h5>'.$classes->getName().'</h5>';

                foreach ($classes as $result) {
                    echo 'Text: ' . $result->getText() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Raw text: ' . $result->getRawText() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Start: ' . $result->getStart() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'End: ' . $result->getEnd() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Position: ' . $result->getPosition() . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Position history: ' . implode(', ', $result->getPositionHistory()) . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Type: ' . htmlspecialchars($result->getType()) . '<br/>';
                    echo 'Match: ' . var_export($result->getMatch(), true) . '<br/>';
                    echo '-----------<br/>';
