A ping query can be used to check the connection to the Solr server and the health of the Solr server. It's not just a network ping, it will execute a query to check Solr health. You can set this query in the Solr config with the 'pingQuery' directive.

It's not advisable to check Solr with a ping before every request, this can have a big performance impact. You are better of using the ping query with intervals, or as a check after a query error to see if the query was faulty or if Solr has problems.

The search executed by a ping is configured with the Request Parameters API. For more info see https://solr.apache.org/guide/ping.html.

Creating a ping query

You create a ping query using the createPing method of your client instance. This is a very simple query with only a few options.

Available options:

Name Type Default value Description
handler string admin/ping Path to the ping handler as configured in Solr
omitheader bool false If true, query time will not be available in the result

Executing a ping query

Use the ping method of the client to execute the query object. See the example code below.

Result of a ping query

The result of a ping query is just as simple as the ping query itself: it either works or not. In case of error an exception will be thrown.

If you don't omit the response header, it can tell how long the query took. For distributed requests, it can also tell if the node that processed the request was connected with ZooKeeper.




// check Solarium version available
echo 'Solarium library version: ' . Solarium\Client::getVersion() . ' - ';

// create a client instance
$client = new Solarium\Client($adapter, $eventDispatcher, $config);

// create a ping query
$ping = $client->createPing();

// execute the ping query
try {
    $result = $client->ping($ping);

    echo 'Ping query successful<br/><br/>';
    echo 'Ping status: ' . $result->getPingStatus() . '<br/>';
    echo 'Query time: ' . $result->getQueryTime() . ' ms<br/>';

    // only relevant for distributed requests
    if (null !== $zkConnected = $result->getZkConnected()) {
        echo 'ZooKeeper connected: ' . ($zkConnected ? 'yes' : 'no');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Ping query failed';
