Core admin queries can be used to administrate cores on your solr server (

The core admin api on the Apache Solr server has several "actions" available and every action can have a set of arguments.

Building an core admin query

The following example shows how your can build a core admin query that executes the status action:



// create a client instance
$client = new Solarium\Client($adapter, $eventDispatcher, $config);

// create a core admin query
$coreAdminQuery = $client->createCoreAdmin();

// use the core admin query to build a Status action
$statusAction = $coreAdminQuery->createStatus();

$response = $client->coreAdmin($coreAdminQuery);
$statusResult = $response->getStatusResult();

echo '<b>Core admin status action execution:</b><br/>';
echo 'Uptime of the core ( ' .$statusResult->getCoreName(). ' ): ' . $statusResult->getUptime();


Beside the status action there are several actions available that can be created with the createActionName() method.

Available actions

The api implements the following actions


Use to create a new core.

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setAsync string $async Identifier for async execution to request the status later
setCore string $core Name of the core
setInstanceDir string $instanceDir Instance dir that should be used
setConfig string $config Name of the config file relative to the instanceDir
setSchema string $schema Name of the schema file
setDataDir string $dataDir Name of the dataDir relative to the instance dir
setConfigSet string $configSet Name of the configSet that should be used
setCollection string $collection Name of the collection where this core belongs to
setShard string $shard ShardId that this core represents
setCoreProperty string $name, string $value Entry for the file, can be used n times


Use to merge cores.

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setAsync string $async Identifier for async execution to request the status later
setCore string $core Name of the core where the data should be merged into
setIndexDir array $indexDir Array of index directories that should be merged
setSrcCore array $srcCore Array of source cores that should be merged


Use to reload a core.

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setCore string $core Name of the core that should be reloaded


Use to rename a core.

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setAsync string $async Identifier for async execution to request the status later
setCore string $core Name of the core that should be renamed
setOther string $otherCoreName New name of the core


Use to recover a core.

Note: Only relevant for solrcloud where cores are shards and a cover can be recovered from the leader (a copy of that core on another node)

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setCore string $core Name of the core that should be recovered


Use to get the status from an asynchronous request. When you have previously passed an async identifier for another action, RequestStatus can be used later to retrieve the state for that asynchronous action.

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setRequestId string $requestId Id of the asynchronous request that was previously executed.


Use to split a core.

See also:

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setAsync string $async Identifier for async execution to request the status later
setCore string $core Name of the core that should be renamed
setPath array $path Array of pathes where the parts of the splitted index is written
setTargetCore array $targetCore Array of target core names that should be used for splitting
setRanges string $ranges Comma separated list of hash ranges in hexadecimal format
setSplitKey string $splitKey Key to be used for splitting the index


Use to get the status of one or all cores:

Note: When no name is passed the status for all cores will be retrieved.

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setCore string $core Optional name of the core where the status should be retrieved


Use to swap a core.

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setAsync string $async Identifier for async execution to request the status later
setCore string $core Name of the core that should be swap
setOther string $otherCoreName Target core to swap with


Use to unload a core.

Available action methods:

Name Arguments Description
setAsync string $async Identifier for async execution to request the status later
setCore string $core Name of the core that should be swap
setDeleteIndex bool $boolean Deletes the index directory
setDeleteDataDir bool $boolean Deletes the data directory
setDeleteInstanceDir bool $boolean Deletes the instance directory